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Feb 21, 2002
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Now what can I do while I wait for Jan...oh yeah...chase the cat!!! Here kitty, kitty... Now where did I put that pneumatic squeezer and that Sioux drill?
Look what I found hanging out on my front porch when I made it home. 'Brown' has been here and gone...and I thought he always wore red (must be the paint)...
The kit is finally here - a whole 7 days from order to delivery! Ordered on Friday morning (Feb 15, 2002) and delivered on the following Thursday afternoon (Feb 21, 2002). What's even more amazing is that it sat in a UPS warehouse in Dallas for over 24 hours just waiting for it's delivery date. Both boxes had arrived in Dallas by Tuesday. Yes, it appears as if the famous red spray paint 'graffiti artist' at Van's shipping has been at it again! I can't wait to get it open. Of course this is a two person project so I'll wait for Jan to come home first.....open, open, open, open...
Everything appears to be in good shape - I can only hope that when I open the cartons it'll remain that way! Yea! Jan's home - now we can tear...ah I mean open the vessels of projected enjoyment...zoom, zoom - prop clear!
Here's all the parts in the dining room. We didn't really use it much anyway. Everything looked ok except for one skin. It has a new flange added to the end that obviously should not be there. When I inventory this weekend and find out which one it is (Rudder skin R-901R), I'll give Van's a call.
By the way the white box on the end of the back left end of the table (center of the picture) is not part of the kit. It's holding down one of Jan's other projects at the moment, a valance for the master bedroom. We are both surprised how few parts there are and how decidedly simple this is starting to look compared to what we expected.
Our plan of action when we start is to lay out the appropriate parts for the piece we're working on in front of us on the family room (are they still called that?) floor. Go over the plans and watch the appropriate part of the 'RV9A Empemmage' tape by George & Becki Orndorff at GBI before we start on anything. Again the yellow box on the cornor of the table is not associated with the kit. It's holding down the other end of the valence. We'll be finishing the installation of that before we start building. Oh yea, and finishing off the garage... er shop area.
Look what I found hanging out on my front porch when I made it home. 'Brown' has been here and gone...and I thought he always wore red (must be the paint)...
The kit is finally here - a whole 7 days from order to delivery! Ordered on Friday morning (Feb 15, 2002) and delivered on the following Thursday afternoon (Feb 21, 2002). What's even more amazing is that it sat in a UPS warehouse in Dallas for over 24 hours just waiting for it's delivery date. Both boxes had arrived in Dallas by Tuesday.